

DSCC Smartphone Report Reveals and Predicts Latest Smartphone Trends – High Refresh Rate Penetration Surging

April 12, 2021

DSCC’s Quarterly Advanced Smartphone Features Report tracks and forecasts all major product trends in the AMOLED smartphone market in addition to providing supply chain insights for panels and chipsets. One of the major trends identified in the report is the rapid adoption of higher refresh rates, 90Hz and higher. This report tracks all AMOLED smartphone shipments by model and sees a significant uptick in higher refresh rates for most brands. In fact, in Q2’21, higher refresh rates should reach a 46% share of panel procurement on a unit basis and a 50% share on a smartphone revenue basis, up from 20% and 31% respectively in Q2’20.
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OLED Production to Increase 94% Y/Y in Q2 2021

April 12, 2021

A recovery from the pandemic, combined with strong demand for OLEDs in smartphones, TVs and other devices, and coupled with capacity increases, will lead OLED production to grow 94% Y/Y in the second quarter of 2021, according to the latest update to DSCC’s Quarterly OLED and Mobile LCD Fab Utilization Report released last week. Growth in OLED input area for small & medium displays is expected to come in at 68% Y/Y, while growth in OLED TV input area will more than double at +134% Y/Y.
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LCD TV Panel Prices Keep Going Up

April 5, 2021

Continuing strong demand for LCD products coupled with increasing concerns about shortages in key components have driven LCD TV panel prices to significant increases in Q1, and prices show no signs of slowing down in Q2. The widespread problems in the supply of Display Driver ICs (DDICs) and the recent announcement by Corning that glass prices will increase, add to the general logistics problems to create an atmosphere where price increases appear to be not only accepted but expected.
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Display Glass Shipments to Hit New Records in 1H 2021 and Corning Announces Glass Price Increase

March 29, 2021

Pulled by strong demand for large-screen LCD panels, display glass shipments are expected to increase by 4% in the second quarter of 2021 to an all-time high of 165M square meters, according to the latest update to DSCC’s Quarterly Display Glass Report, released last week. Shipments in the first quarter of 2021 have been flat Q/Q compared with Q4 2020, despite the reduced number of working days and the supply constraints stemming from a power outage at NEG’s Takatsuki plant.
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Display Equipment

Display Fab Utilization Continuing Strong in 1H 2021

March 22, 2021

With LCD panel prices at multi-year highs and spot shortages in some display applications, display industry fab utilization is continuing at high levels in the first half of 2021, according to the latest release of DSCC’s Quarterly All Display Fab Utilization Report, issued this week. In Q4 2020, total TFT input for all display makers was up 3% Q/Q and 15% Y/Y at 79.4M square meters, and in the current Q1 2021, we expect total TFT input to be flat Q/Q but up 12% Y/Y at 79.6M square meters.
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Display Equipment

Display Capacity Growth Upgraded, Now Expected to Fall in 2023 on Korea Shutdowns

March 15, 2021

DSCC has upgraded its display capacity outlook in its latest Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Market Share Report as a growing number of manufacturers add capacity in response to stronger than expected demand from work from home (WFH), learn from home (LFH) and entertain from home (EFH). In addition, the arrival of miniLED backlights which boosts LCD performance and narrows the performance gap with OLEDs at the high-end of IT and TV markets, should enable LCD manufacturers to raise prices for a growing percentage of its output justifying additional capacity investments.
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Augmented and Virtual Reality

6 Key Points from Mark Zuckerberg’s Interview on AR/VR

March 15, 2021

Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg was recently interviewed by The Information to discuss the company’s work in augmented and virtual reality. Facebook acquired Oculus seven years ago and has since become the leader in VR. According to internal organizational data reviewed by The Information, nearly 10,000 people, or nearly one-fifth of Facebook’s total global workforce, are working in the group developing AR and VR devices. During a 46 min conversation, Zuckerberg elaborated on his vision and the challenges ahead.
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eMagin Awarded New Patent for High Resolution OLED Direct Patterning Technology

March 8, 2021

eMagin has been awarded a new patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for its Direct Patterning Display (dPd™) technology. This patent follows two USPTO patents awarded last year and adds to eMagin's portfolio of 18 foundational dPd patents and utility applications for OLED patterning, processes and equipment. The company has a roadmap for full-color displays targeting a brightness level in excess of 28,000 nits by mid-2023, with an intermediate brightness of 10,000 nits later this year. There has been a race to develop high brightness displays for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in recent years.
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