
Display Technology

LCD Capacity Upgraded on Numerous Expansions

June 1, 2021

DSCC upgraded its LCD capacity forecast in the latest issue of its Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Market Share Report while reducing its OLED capacity forecast. As indicated in the figure, DSCC upgraded its 2025 display capacity forecast by 4.4% versus the prior issue due to 14 new LCD investments as manufacturers respond to tight supply and higher prices. Manufacturers are also looking to stretch capacity through process simplification and de-bottlenecking to meet demand and take advantage of the higher prices. We now see 10% growth in LCD + OLED capacity in 2021, with 3%-5% growth from 2022-2025. Relative to last quarter, capacity growth is 1% - 5% higher per year from 2021-2025. Display capacity is now growing at a 5.2% CAGR versus 4.3% last quarter. LCD capacity was upgraded by 5.3% versus the previous issue and now grows at a 3.9% CAGR versus 2.8% last quarter.
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LG Gained, Samsung Lost Share in Booming Advanced TV Market in Q1 2021

June 1, 2021

Strong demand for expensive home theater systems from pandemic-constrained consumers led to triple-digit percentage increases in sales of the largest screen sizes for Advanced TVs, according to the new DSCC Quarterly Advanced TV Shipment and Forecast Report, now available to subscribers. This report covers the worldwide premium TV market, including the most advanced TV technologies: WOLED, QD Display, QDEF, Dual Cell LCD and MiniLED with 4K and 8K resolution. The report looks at current and future TV shipments and revenues by technology, region, brand, resolution and size, and forecasts the growth of all of these technologies. The report includes the shipment result for Q1 2021 and a forecast to 2026. This week we will cover the Q1 2021 results, focusing on the brand competition in the premium segment, and next week we will cover our updated forecast.
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SID/DSCC Business Conference Download – TV Display Technology and Markets

May 24, 2021

The Business Conference session on TV Display Technology and Markets brought five presentations, including my own, three from the market research side and two from the industry representing competing technologies for wide color gamut. My presentation covered material that should be familiar to DSCC Weekly Review readers, so I will not duplicate it here, but I can describe the main topics:
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LCD TV Panel Prices Keep Going Up with No End in Sight

May 17, 2021

Strong demand for LCD products combined with concerns about shortages in key components have driven LCD TV panel prices to their most significant increases ever on a percentage basis, and prices show no signs of slowing down in Q2. In our last update in early April, we anticipated that price increases would decelerate in Q2, but we now see price increases accelerating compared to Q1. Panel prices increased by 27% in Q4 2020 compared to Q3 and slowed down to 14.5% in Q1 2021 compared to Q4, but our current estimate is that average LCD TV panel prices in Q2 2021 will increase by another 17%. We now expect prices to peak sometime in Q3 2021.
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AMOLED Materials Market to Grow 36% in 2021

May 10, 2021

Sales for AMOLED stack materials for all applications are expected to grow by 36% in 2021 and to grow at a 15% annual rate from $927M in 2019 to $2.18B in 2025, according to the latest update of DSCC’s Quarterly AMOLED Material Report. The report details all aspects of AMOLED materials, including multiple applications, supplier matrices and cost comparisons.
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LCD Capex Up, OLED Capex Down in Latest DSCC Equipment Spending Report Reflecting Market Conditions

May 10, 2021

DSCC’s latest Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Market Share Report reveals a surge in LCD equipment spending to respond to dramatically improved market conditions in the LCD market. DSCC sees LCD revenues rising 32% in 2021 to $112B on strong unit and area growth with prices and profitability rebounding to or even exceeding the 2017 levels. With LCD suppliers able to sell everything they can make at attractive margins; it should be no surprise that most LCD manufacturers are looking to expand capacity. However, unlike previous upturns when many new fabs were built, in this upturn panel suppliers are looking to stretch their capacity through smaller investments, simplifying their processes, debottlenecking, etc. Having said that, we still see two new G8.6 mega fabs being built. Over the last three months, we have added or expanded 14 different LCD investments. The result versus last quarter is a 10% or a $2.2B increase in 2020-2024 LCD spending from $21.8B to $24B. As shown below, our latest 2021 LCD equipment spending forecast is up 15% versus last quarter’s forecast to $10B, with 2021 LCD equipment spending up 125% versus 2021. In addition, 2022 was upgraded by 28% to $3.5B.
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Display Technology

Foxconn Renegotiates Wisconsin Subsidy Contract

April 29, 2021

Last week, Foxconn Technology Group, along with the Governor’s office of the State of Wisconsin, released news that the two sides had agreed on a renegotiated contract for subsidies for Foxconn manufacturing in the State. The renegotiated deal between the Wisconsin Economic Development (WEDC) and Foxconn apparently puts an end to the idea of LCD manufacturing and reduces the maximum obligation of the State by 97%. “When I ran to be governor, I made a promise to work with Foxconn to cut a better deal for our State—the last deal didn’t work for Wisconsin, and that doesn’t work for me,” said Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers. “Today I’m delivering on that promise with an agreement that treats Foxconn like any other business and will save taxpayers $2.77 billion, protect the hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure investments the State and local communities have already made, and ensure there’s accountability for creating the jobs promised.”
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FPD Revenues to Increase 28% in 2021 to Record $151 Billion

April 26, 2021

Strong demand for flat panel displays (FPD) across a range of applications, combined with a dramatic increase in panel prices, will lead to a 28% Y/Y increase to a record $151B in FPD revenues in 2021, based on DSCC’s newly released Quarterly FPD Supply/Demand Report. While the surge in revenues is not expected to be repeated beyond 2021, industry revenues will settle at a new, higher plateau, allowing better profitability for the entire display supply chain.
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OLED Revenues Expected to Increase 36% Y/Y in 1H 2021

April 21, 2021

OLED panel revenues will increase by 36% Y/Y in the first half of 2021, according to the latest update of the DSCC Quarterly OLED Shipment Report, as increased panel shipments for smartphones are combined with revenue growth in TVs, smartwatches and other applications.
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Previewing Q1’21 Display Supplier Earnings – What a Difference a Year Makes

April 21, 2021

Display makers will without doubt report impressive quarterly results for Q1’21 on a year over year basis. Q1’20 was a low point for display makers with quarterly revenues of $22.8B, the lowest since Q2’16. Revenues of publicly traded suppliers as seen in our Quarterly Display Supply Chain Financial Health Report were down 19% Q/Q and 11% Y/Y in Q1’20 on a combination of both low prices and reduced output with shipments impacted by COVID-19 related supply chain constraints. A year later, it is a very different story. Prices are up, demand is up from WFH/LFH and rebounding economies. With a weak comparable in Q1’20, Q1’21 will likely show record growth.
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