Panel Maker Q2 Earnings: BOE, CSOT, Tianma, CHOT and Visionox
Five of the six publicly traded panel makers in China released their financial reports for the first half of 2022, and the market downturn in Q2 affected revenues and profits.
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Five of the six publicly traded panel makers in China released their financial reports for the first half of 2022, and the market downturn in Q2 affected revenues and profits.
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The combination of macroeconomic and geopolitical events and higher prices for OLED TVs led to a dramatic slowdown in growth for the Advanced TV market, according to the latest update of DSCC’s Quarterly Advanced TV Shipment and Forecast Report, now available to subscribers. Advanced TV shipments and revenues declined on a Y/Y basis in Europe, and partly as a result of that regional downturn shipments and revenues declined for OLED TVs.
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After reaching their all-time high in Q4’21, flat panel display maker revenues declined at a double-digit % sequentially for both Q1 and Q2’22, and total industry profits declined Q/Q at all levels of the income statement – gross profits, operating profits, pre-tax profits, net profits and EBITDA profits, according to the summary of their financial performance in DSCC’s Quarterly Display Supply Chain Financial Health Report. With all panel makers reporting their Q2’22 results, we can compile a full industry review for the first half of the year. The hefty profits of 2021 are now distant in the rear-view mirror for most panel makers, and many of them reported losses.
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DSCC is nearing the completion of the Q3’22 issue of its Quarterly Foldable/Rollable Display Shipment and Technology Report and we are proud of its contents. Some of the highlights include:
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As promised, DSCC released the Q3’22 of its Quarterly Foldable/Rollable Display Shipment and Technology Report last week. Some of the market share highlights are indicated below. While described quarterly, they are actually available monthly in our report.
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With the headline inflation numbers in the US showing a slow but steady decrease in the summer months from their highest point in more than 40 years, the steep declines in LCD TV panel prices that started in the second half of 2021 are continuing to flow through to retail, according to the most recent data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Consumer Price Index (CPI).
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In DSCC’s Quarterly Display Supply Chain Financial Health Report, we examine, aggregate, compare and contrast 19 of the largest display equipment suppliers financials and found that their display equipment revenues fell 14% Q/Q and 34% Y/Y to $1.5B, the lowest since Q2’20 and they have now fallen at double-digit rates for the past four straight quarters.
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Advanced Tablet (OLED and MiniLED) panel shipments fell 23% Q/Q while rising 10% Y/Y in Q2’22 to 1.9M units. It was the lowest quarter since Q2’21 as the iPad Pro is getting long in the tooth, ready for a refresh in Q4’22. Q3’22 is expected to rebound to 2.1M units, up 14% Q/Q and 12% Y/Y helped by the launch of the ~$500 OLED Huawei Mate Pad Pro 11” and the ramp of a new 12.9” Apple iPad Pro expected to launch in October. On an annual basis, we show a healthy 31% growth to 8.8M panels, 8% higher than our forecast, which is mostly due to the 11” Huawei Mate Pad Pro 2022 expected to perform better than previously expected. This contrasts with the total tablet market which is expected to fall 13% in 2022 to 195M panels with LED LCD tablet panels down 14%. OLED tablet panels are expected to rise 32% to 3.7M with MiniLED LCD panels rising 31% to 5.1M. MiniLEDs should maintain a 58% to 42% unit share advantage in 2022, same share as in 2021. Advanced Tablet panels are expected to account for a 4.5% share of the total tablet market on a unit basis in 2022, up from 3.0% in 2021. On a revenue basis, the Advanced Tablet share is expected to rise from 14% in 2021 to 24% in 2022 on 23% growth to $1.9B. MiniLEDs to maintain a large advantage over OLEDs, 79% to 21% on the high price of Apple’s MiniLED panels.
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Last week, DSCC hosted the 2nd Annual AR/VR Display Forum. There were a total of 20 speakers and over 130 attendees. This article presents some highlights from each of the presentations. It is still possible to register to watch the recordings of the sessions (available until October 19th).
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