

Glassmakers Shrug Off Display Downturn in Q2

August 15, 2022

Two weeks ago, we covered Corning’s strong Q2 earnings release, and here we will cover its two Japanese competitors, NEG and AGC, and provide a comparison. All three glassmakers saw the impact of the slowdown of panel maker utilization in the second quarter, but all three showed robust corporate results, nevertheless.
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OLED Panel Revenues Increase 12% Y/Y in Q2’22

August 15, 2022

As revealed in DSCC’s latest release of the OLED Shipment Report – Flash Edition, OLED panel revenues increased 12% Y/Y on 3% Y/Y unit declines as a result of form factor mix changes for smartphones and Y/Y growth for automotive, game, notebook PCs, monitors, tablets and AR/VR in Q2’22.
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LCD Oversupply Will Persist Through 2023

August 8, 2022

The current oversupply in the flat panel display industry will persist throughout the full year 2023 and will slowly correct thereafter, according to the latest update of DSCC’s Quarterly FPD Supply/Demand Report, updated last week. We covered the demand portion of this report in an article last week, and this week we will describe our supply forecast and the resulting supply/demand balance.
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Display Equipment

DSCC Updates Display Equipment Spending Forecast – Higher Tandem FMM VTE Prices Help to Minimize Drop

August 8, 2022

In the latest issue of DSCC’s Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Market Report, total LCD and OLED equipment spending remained relatively flat on a move-in basis despite a number of delays and cancellations. These fab schedule changes were mostly offset by higher spending for G8.5-G8.7 FMM VTE systems. 2020 -2025 spending fell just 0.2% vs. last quarter to $71.2B, while fine metal mask vacuum thermal evaporation (FMM VTE) spending rose from 10% to 12% of 2021-2025 spending, rising 18% from our last issue and overtaking exposure as the leading equipment segment over this period. The higher spend on FMM VTE tools is a result of a shift to larger substrates, full G8.5 and ½ G8.6-G8.7, as well as tandem stack adoption which boosts efficiency, brightness and lifetime and improves the OLED outlook in IT markets. Market leader Canon Tokki is a significant beneficiary of the higher tandem FMM VTE prices. By technology vs. last quarter from 2020-2025, our LCD outlook was reduced by 1% while our OLED outlook was increased by 1%.
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LCD TV Panel Prices Headed for One “L” of a Recovery in Q4

August 1, 2022

LCD TV panel prices have reached all-time lows but they continue to decline, and although the pace of decline is slowing in the third quarter, we now forecast that the industry will have an “L-shaped” recovery in the fourth quarter. In other words, no recovery at all until 2023. The ‘perfect storm’ of a continued oversupply, near-universally weak demand and excessive inventory throughout the supply chain has combined, and every screen size of TV panel has reached an all-time low price. Although fab utilization has slowed sharply in July, we do not see any signal to suggest that prices can increase any time soon.
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Flat Panel Display Revenues Falling 20% in 2022, but Revenues Will Recover to $152 Billion in 2026

August 1, 2022

After a revenue spike in 2021 spurred by pandemic-fed demand and rising prices, flat panel display revenues are returning to earth in 2022 with a decline of 20%. Revenues are expected to return to growth in the coming years as displays remain a critical part of the modern world, and will grow to $152B in 2026, according to DSCC’s latest update to the Quarterly Flat Panel Display Forecast Report, released last week.
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Sharp Slowdown in Display Fab Utilization in Q3 as Panel Makers Try to Control Inventory Amid Display Panel Glut

July 25, 2022

The slowdown in display fab utilization that we predicted earlier this year is now in full swing and even more severe than we expected, according to the latest release of DSCC’s Quarterly All Display Fab Utilization Report issued last week. After a full year of panel prices falling with no end in sight, and after the entire display supply chain built excessive inventory, panel makers started to reduce utilization in Q2 and the slowdown has accelerated in Q3. In Q2’22, total TFT input for all display makers was down 6% Q/Q and down 2% Y/Y at 82.8M square meters, and in the current Q3’22 we expect total TFT input to be down another 11% Q/Q and 15% Y/Y to 74.0M square meters.
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Display Fab Schedules Pushed Out on Market Weakness

July 25, 2022

As we continue to work on our latest LCD and OLED fab schedules, which should be published the week of July 25th, we already see a clear theme and that is delays in timing. This is a natural outcome of the Crystal Cycle when prices are low and companies are losing money, they push out new investments, which increase capacity. There is no doubt this makes sense at this time with fab utilization falling to 73% in Q3’22 to slow down price reductions. Panel suppliers added too much capacity in 2021 and 2022 expecting the demand pulled in during the pandemic to continue to increase.
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Panel Maker Q2 Earnings Preview

July 25, 2022

In the next few weeks, we will see the Q2 earnings announcements for flat panel display makers, starting with LG Display on Wednesday, July 27th. The most recent quarter marks a full year after the biggest profits in the history of the flat panel display industry in Q2’21, and the prospects for the industry could not be more different. Panel prices started to decline a year ago and have not stopped their decline, and even with lower prices the demand for panels has decreased. We expect that panel makers will report another quarter of declining margins for Q2’22 and expect several panel makers to report operating losses.
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