Samsung Dominating Foldable Smartphone Market, Big Changes Coming in 2021
Published December 14, 2020
DSCC has released the second issue of its Quarterly Foldable/Rollable Display Shipment and Technology Report. Highlights of the Q4’20 issue include: • Foldable panel shipments are expected to rise 454% in 2020 to 3.1M units in 2020. Foldable panel revenues are expected to rise 394% to $462M. Shipments and revenues are below earlier expectations as US restrictions prevented Huawei from launching the Mate X2, an 8” in-folding device which was expected to drive a lot of volume in Q4’20. • Samsung is clearly the dominant brand in 2020 with over a 90% share in Q3’20 and Q4’20 on a panel procurement basis and an 87% share for the year. On a brand shipment basis, its share is even higher for 2020 at 88%.
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