DSCC Report Shows Equipment Suppliers Recover in Q3’20

Published December 14, 2020

After a difficult Q1’20 and Q2’20 as a result of COVID-19 related travel restrictions to customers in China, the display equipment market rebounded in Q3’20, enjoying Y/Y growth for the first time since Q4’18 and higher margins. In a survey of 36 publicly traded display equipment companies, we found that their display equipment revenues rose 58% Q/Q and 24% Y/Y to $2.8B, the highest since Q4’18, breaking a streak of 6 consecutive quarters with a Y/Y decline. The Q3’20 surge can be attributed to delays in installations in Q1’20 and Q2’20 which represented the lowest values since Q1’16. Importantly, the rebound won’t end in Q3’20. We see a strong Q4’20 as well, especially for Canon which is installing multiple high-priced VTE systems and litho systems to China and Korea.

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Written by

Ross Young
