

DSCC Finalizes Agenda for its Future of Display Technologies and Markets Conference

October 2, 2018

The agenda for our Future of Display Technologies & Markets Conference on November 6th in Santa Clara is now final as seen below. The first talk will be by Ross Young and will detail DSCC's latest forecasts for OLED shipments, revenues, prices, supply/demand, fab utilization, LCD and OLED equipment spending, etc. as well as our view on technology roadmaps and inflection points.
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Samsung OLED Fab Utilization Updated for August and September

September 24, 2018

In today's issue of our weekly report, the Display Supply Chain Monitor, we updated Samsung's OLED fab utilization at its A2 and A3 fabs for August actuals and the September forecast. There were some surprises vs. prior forecasts. Please contact if you would like to see the Samsung results in our weekly report or gain access to all manufacturers' LTPS LCD and OLED fab utilization in our Quarterly OLED Shipment and Fab Utilization Report.
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New Apple iPhone Line-up Will Test the Value of OLED

September 17, 2018

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last week, you’ve heard about Apple’s new iPhone line-up, announced in an enthusiastic product launch this week. The Apple events these days seem to rival the “Everything is Awesome” scene in the Lego movie for over-the-top fandom, with an abundance of “amazing” and “incredible” features listed. The main iPhone products were just as expected, but the prices will push the limit of what consumers are willing to pay, especially considering the price premium for the models with OLED displays.
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IMID Industry Forum Brings New Technology Insights

September 5, 2018

In cooperation with the Korean chapter of SID, DSCC organized a one-day Display Industry Forum at the 18th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) conference last week in Busan, Korea. The conference brought many of the key players in the Korean part of the display industry and provided insights for industry professionals.
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China TV Imports Increased in Q2 Despite Threat of Tariff

August 20, 2018

Imports to the US of TVs from China increased in Q2 of this year despite the Trump administration’s threat of tariffs imposed on TV products. The industry has shown few signs of shifting its supply patterns, based on data from the US International Trade Commission (ITC) database. The tariff threats, though, seem to have claimed their first victim in US TV assembler Element Electronics, as the US-China trade war shows no signs of abating.
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What Impact on TV for Next Wave of Tariffs?

July 10, 2018

If TVs get hit with a 10% tariff as part of the Trump administration’s next round of $200 billion of product affected, what would be the likely impact? Because of the steep declines in LCD TV panel prices in the last twelve months, a 10% tariff would merely slow down the price declines for TVs in the 2018 holiday season. The figure below shows the pattern of TV panel prices since 2015; overall prices are down nearly 40% Y/Y in July 2018.
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Display Equipment

Trump Celebrates Launch of Wisconn Valley

June 28, 2018

After the ceremonial groundbreaking at Foxconn’s “Wisconn Valley” complex in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin (see my last blog post), President Trump visited a nearby Foxconn pilot TV production site where, with leaders from the Wisconsin political scene and from Foxconn, Trump celebrated the launch of the first LCD manufacturing site in the USA (and the first outside of Asia).
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