

OLED Panel Revenues to Grow 19% in 2019

December 10, 2018

Revenues from the sales of OLED display panels will increase 19% in 2019 to $31 billion, according to the latest update of DSCC’s Quarterly OLED Shipment and Fab Utilization Report. OLED panel units in all applications will grow 22% to 610 million, and shipment area will grow 35% to exceed 9 million square meters.
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Display Technology

FLEx Lighting Sets Out to Transform Reflective LCD

December 4, 2018

Reflective LCDs have been around for a long time but have never made much of an impact on the display industry. FLEx Lighting, a US- based startup, is looking to change that with some fascinating technology that greatly improves the performance of reflective LCDs, and just might make this display technology a big part of the industry landscape in a few years.
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Display Equipment

Panel Maker Comparison Shows Winners and Losers

November 27, 2018

We now have all the financial results of panel makers for Q3 2018, and we have compiled a comparison view as part of DSCC’s Quarterly Display Supply Chain Financial Health Report. The comparison highlights big discrepancies in results between some of the major players in the industry. While Q3 was in general a positive quarter for display makers, it was especially good for Samsung, and not so good for some of the smaller players.
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Samsung’s Showcases Its First Foldable Smartphone, What We Learned

November 12, 2018

After years of development dating back to 2012 when Samsung trademarked YOUM for its unbreakable, flexible display, Samsung finally announced its first foldable display which it trademarked on October 29 as the Infinity Flex Display at its Developer Conference on November 7th in San Francisco, CA. It did not formally announce the name, timing or price of its foldable smartphone however, which many people believe will be called the Galaxy F for foldable.
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OLED Panel Shipment Revenues up 80% in Q3 2018 to $8.0 Billion on Smartphone Recovery and TV growth

November 12, 2018

The third quarter of 2018 saw a strong recovery of OLED panel shipments, with total revenue up 80% Q/Q and 45% Y/Y to $8.0 billion, according to the latest update of DSCC’s Quarterly OLED Shipment and Fab Utilization Report. The revenue increase was paced by an even more impressive 92% increase Q/Q in OLED smartphone panel revenue, which grew 43% Y/Y to $6.9 billion.
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DSCC Partnership with Meko – Announcing the DSCC Weekly Review

October 22, 2018

DSCC has agreed to a partnership deal with UK-based display research firm Meko, whereby DSCC will transition its weekly Display Supply Chain Monitor (DSCM) into a new publication, to be called the DSCC Weekly Review. The Weekly Review will form a successor publication to Meko’s Large Display Monitor (LDM) and Mobile Display Monitor (MDM) weekly newsletters, and we expect that the Weekly Review will come to be seen as the premier source of news and analysis in the display industry.
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Quantum Dots Highlight DSCC Future of Display Technologies and Markets Conference​​

October 17, 2018

On November 6th, DSCC will bring 3 of the most influential speakers on the future of quantum dot technology and its market outlook at the upcoming Future of Display Technologies and Markets Conference. Quantum dots have the opportunity to become a significant part of the LCD, OLED and microLED markets as those technologies strive for improved color performance. In addition, as quantum dot material performance improves, it has the potential to become its own emissive display technology.
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TV Cost Report Shows LGD Turning the Corner on OLED Profitability

October 17, 2018

LG Display has had remarkable success in its OLED TV panel business for years, in all areas except one – profits. Based on new analysis in DSCC’s Quarterly Advanced TV Display Cost Report, the combination of higher prices and lower components costs have allowed LGD to turn the corner on this business and become profitable in Q3 2018, and LGD likely has a strong runway of profits in the coming quarters and years.
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OLED Materials Report Brings New Insight on QD OLEDs

October 2, 2018

Sales for OLED stack materials are expected to grow at a 20% annual CAGR from $829 million in 2017 to $2.04 billion in 2022, according to DSCC’s Quarterly OLED Material Report for Q3 2018, written in cooperation with the OLED Association. The report details all aspects of OLED materials, including multiple applications, supplier matrices, and cost comparisons.
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