Panel Suppliers Continue to Delay Capex, 2023 Equipment Spending to Be Lowest Since 2012
Published February 13, 2023
First, the bad news. We downgraded 2023 display equipment spending in the Q1’23 issue of our Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Market Share Report another 13% to just $3.8B, the lowest since 2012. The decline can be attributed to weak end market conditions which are causing panel manufacturers to push out capacity increases. Display demand remains soft with too much demand pulled into 2020 and 2021 during COVID along with inflation and slower economic growth further weakening 2022 and 2023 demand. You can see in the chart below that demand on an area basis was pulled in vs. our 2020 forecast by 2% in 2020 and by 3% in 2021.
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