DSCC Releases Its Future of OLED Manufacturing Report, Reveals How OLED Technology, Manufacturing, Performance and Products Are Likely to Evolve

Published September 27, 2021

DSCC has released its 338-page report on The Future of OLED Manufacturing, which is really a look at how all aspects of OLEDs are likely to evolve with special attention paid to how OLED manufacturers are likely to address the IT display opportunity including the scale up of G6 FMM VTE-based RGB OLEDs to G8.5 and the migration from LTPS/LTPO to IGZO. This breakthrough report is divided into five sections: Commercial/Industrial History of OLEDs Historical and Current Technical Challenges Mobile OLED Manufacturing/Roadmap IT OLED Manufacturing/Roadmap OLED TV Manufacturing/Roadmap

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Written by

Ross Young
