BOE Flagship Smartphone Panel Share Surged to a Record 27% in Q1’23

Published April 26, 2023

As revealed in DSCC’s new Monthly Flagship Smartphone Tracker, BOE captured a record 27% unit share of the flagship smartphone panel market in Q1’23, with flagship smartphones defined as those containing flexible or foldable OLED displays. In Q1'23, BOE had an 81% Y/Y unit growth as a result of impressive volume growth/share gains at Apple, Huawei, Oppo, Realme, Vivo and ZTE. As it continues to narrow the technological gap with Samsung Display and ramps up its new fab in Chengdu and prices to win business, its share of the flagship smartphone market continues to grow, rising from 18% in Q1’22 to 22% in Q4’22 and 27% in Q1’23. In Q1'23, flagship smartphones were up 17% Y/Y with flexible OLED smartphones up 18% Y/Y and foldable OLED smartphones up 4% Y/Y. DSCC’s Monthly Flagship Smartphone Tracker, which also provides a rolling two-month forecast for all flexible and foldable OLEDs used in smartphones, reveals that BOE is expected to hold onto its share gain in Q2’23.

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David Naranjo