Advanced Monitor Market Expected to Rise 99% Y/Y in 2023 On Triple-Digit Growth for OLEDs Monitors

Published March 27, 2023

In the recently released Quarterly Advanced IT Display Shipment and Technology Report, some highlights for advanced monitors include: • In Q4’22, advanced monitor panel shipments grew 15% Q/Q and 126% Y/Y to 643K panels. We expect to see an increase to 825K panels in Q1’23, a 28% Q/Q increase with OLED displays increasing 88% Q/Q and MiniLEDs increasing 20%. The significant Q/Q growth for OLED displays is a result of significant growth from 34” QD-OLED and 49” QD-OLED models and 27”, 45” and 48” WOLED models.

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David Naranjo