Calvin Lee
Research Director

Calvin Lee joined Counterpoint Research as part of its acquisition of DSCC, where he was Director of Korean Operations and was promoted to Senior Director in 2021 and Managing Director in 2023. He has more than 20 years experience in display market research and consulting. Calvin started display market research in 1996 at Samsung SDI where he covered the entire display industry from CRT and LCD to PDP markets and technologies.
After 10 years at Samsung SDI, Calvin joined DisplaySearch in 2006 as research director where he played a key role in gathering display market data in Korea. He later joined DisplayBank as VP of Marketing, also covering the display market. After DisplayBank was acquired by IHS and merged with other display groups, he joined SNE Research where he covered IT, electric vehicle and battery markets.
Calvin graduated with a degree in electronics engineering from Hong-Ik University. He lives in Seoul with his wife and 2 daughters. He enjoys hiking and golf. He can be reached at