Michelle Chen

CTO | Q-Pixel Inc.
Michelle Chen

Enabling Ultra-high Resolution MicroLED Displays for AR/VR Using Tunable Polychromatic Pixels

MicroLEDs are a long sought after technology to address the needs of next generation displays. However the cost and complexity of MicroLED display assembly proves a major barrier to breaking into the existing display market.

Q-Pixel takes a paradigm shift approach with their Tunable polychromatic LED (TP-LED). TP-LEDs are single pixels capable of emitting the full color spectrum without the use of subpixels, color filters, quantum dots, polarizers, or mechanical stacking. By replacing three RGB subpixels, TP-LED simplifies display assembly, reduces manufacturing costs, and enables world-record pixel densities for ultra-high-resolution displays used in next-generation AR/VR.