Dr. Kai-Han Chang
Senior Researcher | GM Research and Development
Holography in Future Automotive Displays
The automotive industry recognizes the vibrant development of augmented reality (AR) technology and identifies that it will be a great enhancement for the business. Recently, AR head-up displays (HUDs) are showcased with fascinating and useful applications. Several automotive OEMs advertise their intent to implement AR HUDs in future programs. We will focus on HUDs, provide an overview of AR HUD use cases, the requirements to create AR experience, and review the enabling technology. Specifically, we will review and describe the key elements of phase holography and the use of this powerful technology to achieve a compact optical system design.
Dr. Kai-Han Chang is a Senior Researcher at General Motors Research and Development. Her research specialty is liquid crystal optics and device development. In this role, she is responsible for developing novel optical solution for both head-up displays and head-down displays. She received her PhD degree from the Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program at Kent State University, Ohio in 2018. She received her M. S. degree in electro-optical engineering from the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan in 2012. She has co-authored 1 book chapter, 10 journal papers, 13 conference proceedings, and obtained 18 US patents.