Dr. Chiwoo Kim
President/CTO | APS Research
- Ph.D. in Physics: Univ. of Texas at Austin (1989)
- Post Doc.: Univ. Of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA (-1991),
- Samsung Group: 1991 - 2014
. Samsung Electronics: Senior Vice President ( -2011)
. Samsung Display: OLED TV TF, A3 Flexible Fab. Planning (-2014)
. Sungkyunkwan University: Adjunct Professor (2000 - 2014)
- Seoul National University: Visiting and Adjunct Professor (2015 - 2017)
- AP Systems and APS Holdings (2016 - Now)
. AP Systems: Executive Vice President (-2017)
. APS Holdings: President & CTO ( - 2021. 6)
. APS Research: President & CTO (- Now)