Ross Young


New DSCC Weekly Database Provides Complete Toolset at China Display Fabs from 2015-2020 and Beyond​

Austin, TX -

Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) has released a first of its kind database which provides the complete toolset and components used in all display fabs in China, from 2015-2020 and beyond. The Advanced Weekly PO and Award Database reveals all the different tools and components for nearly every display fab in China along with the supplier of those tools and components and the number of units being delivered. These awards are typically issued before purchase orders are released, allowing analysts to not only track, but also predict company bookings. In addition, since display equipment can be delivered more than a year after the awards are issued, it allows users to accurately forecast market share out as much as 18-months in advance for more than >150 different equipment categories, ranging from <$5000 to over $100M per tool/component. With the fabs in this database representing over 75% of 2018-2020 equipment spending, it represents a cost effective and highly accurate way for companies to predict the size of the display market in units and revenues as well as track their competition. It also gives component suppliers a way to track their end-markets and market share of their customers. In addition, it allows panel manufacturers to examine the tool choices of their competitors and gain insight into their competitor’s processes. Furthermore, it allows equipment suppliers to track the growth of segments they are not participating in, providing an immediate way to size the market for every category and shorten the time it takes to assess new markets.

A second database is also provided on all purchase orders filed by Korean equipment suppliers, revealing the size of every PO in KRW and $US along with delivery dates, giving insight into bookings, revenue recognition and tool pricing.

According to DSCC Founder and CEO Ross Young, “We are thrilled to be offering this product to our customers, which reveals perfect information on all display equipment and components going into fabs in China. Users can instantly see how many tools for every tool type are being ordered at each fab. It allows them to quickly size equipment markets, determine market share, track their competition, assess panel makers’ processes and much more. This publicly available data has never been compiled in this way before and allows buy-side and sell-side analysts and investors to make more informed decisions on display-related stocks. In addition, as new fabs are built and more equipment is awarded, those will be captured as well and updated weekly. It also allows DSCC to feed this information into its Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Report and provide more accurate market sizing and market share data on the whole market for over 70 different equipment segments."

The complete toolsets and design wins are provided for the following fabs:

  • AUO : Kunshan
  • ​BOE : B3, B6, B7, B9, B10, B11 and B17​​
  • CEC : CHOT Xianyang
  • CEC Panda : CCPD Chengdu, Nanjing (2 fabs)
  • ​​CSOT : Huizhou Module, T2, T2 R&D, T3,T4,T6 and T7
  • EDO : Shanghai
  • HKC : H1, H2 and H4
  • ​Royole : R1
  • ​Tianma : Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan and Xiamen
  • ​Truly : SDC L5
  • ​Visionox : V1, V2 and V3

Companies that subscribe to the report between October 2nd and November 2nd will receive a $1000 discount on their first year’s subscription.

This product features 3 spreadsheets which include:

  • LCD Fab Equipment Award Database – This database includes equipment awards from Chinese LCD panel makers to equipment makers. These awards are issued prior to the purchase orders (POs). This database includes the equipment company, customer, award date, fab location, fab name, glass size, phase, display technology, tool type and number of tools. This database includes the equipment supplier and number of tools per equipment type by fab from the following panel suppliers – AUO, BOE, CEC Panda, China Star, HKC, Tianma and Truly. There are over 5000 entries which include over 600 equipment companies. Full list available here.
  • OLED Fab Equipment Award Database - This database includes equipment awards from Chinese OLED panel makers to equipment makers by tool type including the number of tools by tool type by fab. These awards are issued prior to the purchase orders (POs). This database includes the equipment company, customer, award date, fab location, fab name, glass size, display technology, tool type and # of tools. There are over 2300 entries.

    This database includes the following panel makers' awards – BOE, China Star, EDO, Royole, Tianma and Visionox to over 600 equipment companies. Full listing available here.
  • PO Database. This database includes all the Purchase Order (PO) announcements made by equipment companies. In particular, we are showing all the PO announcements filed by publicly traded Korean equipment suppliers, which we update on a weekly basis. Going back 3 years, we show PO dates, delivery dates, changes to delivery dates, PO amount in $US, customer, fab name, fab location, glass size, display technology, equipment description. This database includes >500 different POs and includes over 100 companies. Full listing available here.

About Counterpoint

Counterpoint Research acquired DSCC (Display Supply Chain Consultants) in 2023, joining forces to become the premier source of display industry research globally. The partnership combines Counterpoint’s thought leadership and expertise across the broader tech sector and DSCC’s deep specialization in display technologies to provide an unparalleled resource for insights and analysis for our clients.