

DSCC’s Ross Young to Appear on Bloomberg Webinar - Ports, Boxes and Drives on October 11th

La Jolla, CA -

With only weeks into the iPhone 15 launch, the Ports, Boxes and Drives webinar hosts Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) Principal analyst Ross Young to discuss the iPhone 15 launch and a broad range of topics across the Apple device ecosystem and the smartphone market. While the discussion focuses on displays, looking deeply, it can reveal units, mix, form factor and others interesting smartphone attributes.

To hear his Bloomberg webinar which is free to all and will take place on Wednesday, October 11th at 8AM PST, please visit: https://bloomberg.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lWrE5XzyQkSCqFzJhqor1w#/registration.

About DSCC

DSCC, a Counterpoint Research Company, is the leader in advanced display market research with offices across all the key manufacturing centers and markets of East Asia as well as the US and UK. It was formed by experienced display market analysts from across the display supply chain and delivers valuable insights, data and supply chain analyses on the display industry through consulting, syndicated reports and events. Its accurate and timely analyses help businesses navigate the complexities of the display supply chain.