Global Display Supply Chain Dynamics & Technology Outlook Conference
Register now for access to the 2021 Global Display Supply Chain Dynamics & Technology Outlook Conference! Presentation materials (PDF and MP4 File) available until January 2022.
Conference Details
At the Global Display Supply Chain Dynamics & Technology Outlook Conference, DSCC analysts around the world provided attendees with the latest results and forecasts while also discussing the key issues facing the display supply chain. Experts in all areas of the display industry reveal the latest outlook for each market and technology to make sure your company is best prepared for display related competition in 2022 and beyond.
Event Agenda
This talk will examine the latest display market results and forecasts. It will reveal:
- Which segments performed the best in 2021 and which are most likely to outperform in 2022?
- Which companies performed the best in 2021 and which companies are most likely to outperform in 2022?
- Which applications are likely to see the best growth?
- Which applications are likely to see the largest declines?
- Who will win the OLED vs. MiniLED battle in TV and IT markets?
- How will the IT market evolve?
- How will OLED performance improve and how will MiniLED costs fall?
- What is the outlook for foldables and when are rollables coming?
- What will be the impact of new G8.5 oxide RGB OLED fabs? Who will benefit?
- When will microLEDs impact the display market?

LCD supply and demand rapidly changed from Q2’21 to Q3’21. LCD TV demand in developed countries became weak by COVID-19’s bubble’s EOL (end of life) in emerging countries and the pandemic of COVID-19 made LCD TV demand weak in emerging regions. LCD panel production area seems to have increased by 3% from Q2’21 to Q3’21, while the panel shipment area seems to have declined by 3% from Q2’21 to Q3’21. Especially LCD TV panel shipment seems to have declined by 8% in units from Q2’21 to Q3’21. The gap between LCD TV panel shipment and production was a big in Q3’21. Chinese and Taiwanese LCD panel suppliers’ LCD fab utilization remain high even under huge price fall in October 2021. I would like to show the fab utilization forecast from 2021 to 2022 and how much panel inventories will be carried over to 2022.
Regarding OLED, the surplus of flexible OLED will continue for a while but it is expected to be getting better from now by the demand increase for China smartphone brands. Rigid OLED fab utilization has been high level in SDC A2 fab in 2021 by increasing the production for non-smartphone like notebook PC and game applications. The next remarkable point of rigid OLED supply demand is if how much the IT demands like notebook PC, table and monitor will catch up with the new fab, G8.5 Oxide RGB based OLED fab investment in 2023. Just in case that Samsung VD will really purchase WOLED in 2022, LGD will probably need to pull in the next investment of WOLED fab. Samsung VD may also increase the LCD purchasing from LGD. This Samsung VD’s activity will give an impact on China LCD suppliers. In this speech, OLED TV and Mobile OLED supply and demand will also be explained.
The display industry has benefited from increased demand during the pandemic, and companies throughout the display supply chain have generated unprecedented profitability. Demand for LCD TV panels drove the most volatile Crystal Cycle in the history of the industry, with the longest and highest price increase and the fastest price declines ever. This presentation will review the state of the industry for major brands and panel makers, and the battle for the premium TV segment among competing brands and technologies.
The premium TV space drives display innovation for improvements in brightness, color, resolution, contract, and other metrics. We will outline the technology battle between OLED and LCD today and show how DSCC expects this battle to play out as new technologies like QD OLED, MiniLED, and MicroLED emerge. We will draw from DSCC’s reports on TV cost and advanced TV shipments and describe the strategies of major global TV brands as they compete for the premium TV market.
This presentation will summarize key findings from DSCC's latest reports on MicroLED and AR/VR displays.MicroLED is a promising new display technology but manufacturing costs are still high. For large screens such as TVs, it will be challenging to compete on cost against OLED and MiniLED LCD. However, DSCC still expects the MicroLED market to grow, with TV the largest segment in terms of revenues. Meanwhile, the AR/VR market is at a turning point. OEMs are releasing affordable devices without sacrificing too much on performance or image quality. Apple is also expected to launch its own headset soon. For display manufacturers, there are challenges very specific to AR/VR, such as compatibility with optics and high pixel density. Again, MicroLED but also Laser Beam Scanning, are seen as very promising for smart glasses with see-through optics. However some AR/VR headset manufacturers prefer to adopt video passthrough, using LCD or OLED panels.
This presentation will discuss 2021 market review and 2022’s new foldable and rollable products and supply chains. This talk will analyze foldable display stacks in detail as well as discuss about new leading technologies. He will also reveal which companies are best positioned for this market in 2022 and beyond.
We will look into investment trends in the display market and market share by manufacturing process (backplane, frontplane, color filter, cell, module), equipment, and equipment company. In addition, Korean panel suppliers, who are gradually reducing the LCD TV production capacity, will learn how to use the existing line, the direction of future fab, and what new technologies to develop.
The display industry has gone through multiple LCD cycles, what is the future capital expenditure trend on Chinese panel makers by LCD and OLED, Chinese suppliers continue to have intention on high generation LCD fab investment to capture capacity share by growing IT demand after COVID-19, will this go to a bigger oversupply in future and make the panel price drop again?
With IC shortages happening from Q4’19, panel prices have increased from 2020 to middle of 2021, Chinese panel suppliers made a better profit in those two years, but how about OLED?
What kind of strategy will be adopted by panel makers in the China display industry, how about capacity allocation and what challenges will they face. This presentation will discuss how we see 2022 targets by each player by panel maker and top brands in China. We will show what we see from the China market and discuss the future together with the participants.
Finally, Apple launched new iPad Pro embedded with MiniLED backlight in April and the sales volume is quite well. Apple will also release MiniLED MacBook Pro very soon. All these news do encourage people, no matter upstream or downstream, to go full steam ahead with MiniLED development. MiniLED is one of the emerging display technologies and has high potential to compete with other existing or new display technologies. Although the cost of MiniLED is high and the yield is low now, we believe people will find the way to overcome hurdles to let MiniLEDs cost can become affordable. This speech will summarize key findings and provide the insights from DSCC latest report on MiniLEDs.